Am I a leader? Who will become a leader?

After reading a book titled “The world is yours to change” by Daisaku Ikeda, I felt that one day I need to become a leader. I only had a vague idea about what kind of leader I wanted to become but I knew soon or later that’s where I am moving towards. This was when I was in my late teens.

Few decades later, I slowly developed doubts about this direction. It is not about becoming a leader, it was more about inner doubt. What made me think that I am that good? Why did I think I can lead others when I wasn’t even sure about myself? Do I have capacity to lead others? How?

So, I commenced my search about the ‘leader’. What are the qualities of true leader? What made one to be a leader? What training should be undertaken? What do they need to consider? What needs to be done?

There were so many things that I was unsure but what I felt was my time wasn’t right. So, I started to seek for those who have been recognised and acknowledged as ‘Successful leaders’.

Then, I realised, what each individual seek for a leader varies, depending on their needs, values, and beliefs. I started to question myself, who do I seek as a leader.
Does s/he leads the way for others?
Does s/he nurtures successors?
Does s/he believe in the potential of others?
Does s/he leads ways to unknowns?
Does s/he leads others to correct path?

If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.

Dolly Parton

To me, it seems like that a great leader have people around them, supporting them. For me, such leader is an initiator and motivator. They have vision of future. They encourage and enhance personal growth of each individual to become a better human being.

A senior person once said to me “It is ‘you’ who choose your leader/s. Choose a leader who will represent you. If you chose a wrong leader, s/he will lead people to a wrong direction, which will cause grief, destruction, harm, and suffering of human beings. Therefore, choose your leader wisely. It is your responsibility to choose correct leader/s.”

Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw, demonic power.

Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people to pave the way forward for them.

Daisaku Ikeda

Then, she continued “becoming a leader doesn’t mean they are better than you. Leaders, in my view, are for the sake of people, for the benefits of the people.” This guidance was actually engraved deep in my heart.

What does becoming a leader mean to you?
Who is a leader in your view?
Will you or are you a leader?

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